Immediate Dental Implants (Same-day Implants)

Snapped upper right premolar with root canal
Snapped upper right premolar with root canal

Same-day immediate dental implants

Dental implants can often be placed at the day of tooth/teeth removal thus the term immediate implants. It is often more convenient for the patient and the surgeon provided the right conditions are met.


Advantages of immediate dental implants include:

  • convenient and time-efficient
  • only one surgery
  • only one lot of anaesthetic (given with tooth removal anyhow)
  • faster overall treatment time (3-6 months) compared with tooth removal and delayed implant surgery (usually takes 6-12 months in total)
  • not more expensive than having extractions and implant surgery separately (may even be cheaper)


Disadvantages of a single implant tooth includes:

  • jaw has to have enough bone
  • no large infections or severe gum disease present
  • very experienced surgeon required
  • still needs 3 months minimum of healing after implant placement

The process of having an immediate implant generally consists of several  described below:

1. Consultation + x-ray assessment of the broken or infected tooth and potential implant site - all associated procedures and risks will be discussed including a printed quote covering all costs involved.

2. Tooth extraction + implant surgery (may include additional procedures including bone grafting or sinus lift) done simultaneously

3. Healing period of 3-6 months - time needed for implant to integrate into the jaw bone before it can be used for function. We will schedule review appointments during this time to check the healing process.

4. Implant tooth fabrication - implant crown will be custom made by our local certified dental laboratory to ensure the correct colour and shape is achieved.

5. Maintenance and follow-ups - implants should be reviewed at least on a yearly basis along with the rest of the mouth at routine dental checkups.




Dr. Han Deng – B.D.S & B.Sc.Dent(Hons), MClinDent (Implant Dentistry)

Originally born in Beijing (China), Han grew up in the south-western parts of Sydney and subsequently moved to Adelaide in order to pursue a career in dentistry. Han graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2011 with a concurrent Honours degree focusing on oral cancer and oral surgery.

He has been in private practice since graduation, working all around Adelaide before becoming a practice owner himself in 2012. With the help of his chinese background, he is fluent in both English and Mandarin (Chinese). He has always had a special interest in the field of implant dentistry and went on to complete a 2-year masters of clinical dentistry in implant dentistry at Griffith University in the Gold Coast while being the only interstate graduate of his year.

He is currently the owner and principal dentist of three dental surgeries throughout the Adelaide metro area and provides comprehensive implant treatment including both implant surgery and restoration in-house. He focuses on efficient, cost-effective and realistic treatment planning as well as long-term maintenance. He believes in honestly and responsibility when it comes to dental treatment and takes great pride in taking genuine care of his patients. He has a very close relationship with a state-of-the-art Adelaide dental laboratory to ensure all implant work is genuine and local with warranties on all components/parts.